-Carly had strep, again
-Carly had an ear infection
-Carly was in the ER because she split her chin open and had 6 stitches
-Carly had her tonsils and adenoids removed
Since having her tonsils removed Carly is eating more, gaining weight (a good thing because she is a tiny peanut), sleeping better, talking better and has more energy. I'm so glad we made the decision to have her tonsils removed.
Nolan is great. He's such a big boy. He's a ball of energy. Nolan so reminds me of his Dad not only in looks but how he acts. Nolan has me doubled over laughing every single day, just like his Dad.

We hope you all had a nice Valentine's Day. We had a great one. For Valentine's Day we had a family date (the best kind of date) at home. The kids got to watch a movie while Justin and I had crab legs and wine. It was fantastic. For dessert we all had chocolate fondue. The kids really got into that.
I think we're caught up. I would write more but I'm afraid I'll get distracted and once again neglect to get an update posted to the blog. Take care everyone!