I don't have much time so I'll try to make this as quick as I can...
Last week the kids (Carly, Nolan and my third child, William) spent the morning at The Bale's house for a playdate. It was fantastic. In true Erin style she had enough yummy food and drink (beautifully displayed mind you) to feed an entire elementary school. The kids had so much fun playing in the playland located in the Bale's basement. I was so impressed with Kamea Bale. She is three years old and not once did she complain about the numerous kids playing with her toys. She was so good and shared so well.
All the kids at the playdate were great kids. Everyone got along so well. I've included a few pictures from the event. Thank you, Erin, for a fantastic time!
Darn it, I just tried posting pictures of the playdate at the Bale's house. Most of the pictures won't load to my blog. I'm not sure why but I don't want to take the time to figure it out or I will never get this post listed. Sorry about the lack of pictures!
In other news...
I've been becoming a lot more busy lately (knock on wood and I'm NOT complaining!) For those of you who don't know I run a little side online business called Happy Day Vintage. In a nut shell, I sell vintage/retro housewares and luggage. Business is steadily picking up (again, knock on wood) and I'm steadily having more and more work to do - but I love it!!! I started a Happy Day Vintage blog (listed on the left hand side of my blog). I hope I can keep up with everything. What I really love about this side business is the fact that it's a family affair. It's something I love to do and I love it even more when I share it with my family and friends. Justin and I took the kids antique shopping last weekend. Believe it or not, the kids had a great time and I found a couple good "treasures" (that's what Carly calls them - she's so smart!). Once a month I go shopping with my good friend, Stacey. We drink wine and enjoy our night out. Stacey has even bought and listed a couple things on etsy. My sisters, Mom and Mother-in-law have also gotten into Happy Day Vintage. They too shop for treasures and are always willing to help me out when ever needed. I'm doing something fun, making money and best of all sharing it with those I love most...what could be better?